Death Is Just The Beginning!

Post was created on February 26th, 2011

Hello fiends,

I’m finally back from the dead to let you know that my debut album from my solo band “Rufus Rex” is just about finished and it is a Lovecraftian concept album about one man’s quest to reanimate the dead and free the human race from the curse of morality, only to be met with dire consequences and bloody revelations. I’ll be filling you in with more info in the weeks to come, but I thought I would drop by and give you a quick update. The name of the album is “Dead Beat” and here is the cover artwork by the amazing Thomas Boatwright.

I also wanted to thank all you fiends for the ongoing support of my music and all my other strange projects. Soon you’ll have some much new music, your ears will bleed.

Stay weird,
~Curtis Rx

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