The Rufus Rex Album Art Contest (Ends May 13th At 5:PM)!

Post was created on April 21st, 2011

Dear fiends,

Do you want your artwork to be in the CD booklet of my upcoming Rufus Rex album ‘Dead Beat’?

Well, you’re in luck. All you have to do is create a piece of artwork (drawing, painting, etc) based on the first single ‘Rise Lazarus Rise’ and e-mail it to me at I will then re-post each and every entry on the website here in three places (by clicking on the title of this blog, the little sidebar to your right, and in the media section under photos) for all to see.

All entries must be received by May 13th (Friday the 13th) By 5:00pm (pacific time) and I will pick the winner exactly one hour later at 6:00pm. The lucky winner will then go on to have their artwork printed up in the CD booklet of my debut Rufus Rex album entitled ‘Dead Beat’. I only have three rules, make it based on the theme of ‘Rise Lazarus Rise’, the art must be perfectly square to be able to fit the measurements of the booklet, & the winner must have a high resolution version of the artwork (at least 300dpi) ready to send upon notification. You can send as many entries as you’d like.

Below is where a slide show of the entries will start showing up after they are sent:
%%wppa%% %%slide=1%%

Good luck and I can’t wait to see what ghoulish things you guys come up with.

Stay weird,
~Curtis Rx

33 Responses to "The Rufus Rex Album Art Contest (Ends May 13th At 5:PM)!"

  1. Havoc-night says:

    I’ll hopefully be entering as soon as I get my new tablet for my computer! Love you guys-huge fan! Good luck to everyone else competing as well!

    • curtisrx says:

      Fantastic, I look forward to seeing what you create. Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it.

      ~Curtis Rx

      • Havoc-Night says:

        Ehehehe c: I’ll have to make it all Creepy just for you <3
        It'll have creepy trees, blood, skulls, a scythe and a tombstone with our Lovely Lazarus rising from his grave <3

  2. Miss Delirium says:

    Oh, I am definitely entering! I just bought new brushes and inks a few weeks ago and I think they’d work perfectly for what I have in mind C:

    Good luck to all the other contestants, I can’t wait to see what everyone else comes up with!

    ~Miss Delirium

  3. MissBlack says:

    Nice! Expect my enter soon ^^

  4. MissBlack says:

    By the way, are we allowed to submit more than one piece of artwork?

  5. >o< I want to eneter!…I'm gonna stop my current art project and start this one :3

    This is more important than drawing justin beiber getting eatin by zombies!(free idea everyone!)

  6. Gabsterella says:

    I’d love tp join! Your song is amazing, so it shouldn’t be hard coming up with something =D

    • curtisrx says:

      Awesome, thanks for the loverly compliment. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

      ~Curtis Rx

  7. πŸ™‚

  8. SchizoFrankie says:

    Only one question – could it be a photo or something like that?

  9. Definitely entering! Really excited about this whole project, the song sounds amazing!

  10. silentkitty says:

    Awesome, I’ll definitely try to put something together for this!

  11. awesome…I plan on entering… ^_^

  12. You guys are beyond amazing!! I will definitely be entering XD

  13. Sounds interesting~ I think I’ll enjoy this~

  14. Mine is looking pretty spooky and awesome at the moment. Full of awesome detail. πŸ˜€

  15. How delightfull– I will need a art project to work on after tomorrow, and this will work perfectly!

  16. Where do login to vote?

  17. Thanos says:

    Yes! I am finished! Success! I am about to e-mail it now.

  18. LookAliveZombie says:

    Damn…I’m in love with the pic nº22 *-* awesome work! congrats to all of you! πŸ˜€

  19. Nabbed says:

    Ehehe… My computer (the one hooked up to the scanner) is broken… Again. Sorry, I don’t think I can post my entry in time. Good luck to you others~

  20. Jillery says:

    I e-mailed mine a few days ago! Can’t wait to see which one wins!

  21. SchizoFrankie says:

    Ah, hell…I’ve send my work 3 days ago, and now i got no answer.
    Is that was my e-mail problem?

  22. My pieces have gone in, though with so many exceptional entries I’ll need to be considerably less hopeful. Warm congradulations to the entrant selected; you’ll certainly have earned it.

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